5 Quick Tips to Get More Facebook Photo Likes - 11 Dec, 2020
5 Quick Tips to Get More Facebook Photo Likes
They say every picture tells a story. But when it’s about the yearning for Facebook photo likes, there has to be just more than the story or the context that you got to be focusing on. In addition to an engaging story to tell through your picture, you will have to put in more effort if you want to have the maximum number of likes on your Facebook post. Read on to know what that more should be. 12 Tips Get Facebook Photo Likes to Boost Your Facebook Reach.
Get More Likes on Facebook Photo Free
Let's discuss
1. Try not to edit the photo too much
Any layperson can tell the difference between an original and an excessively edited photo. If you don’t have experience in editing pictures, try not to experiment much. The more you do it, the more you increase the chances of coming up with the most awful outcome. Have a minimalistic approach and go for basic touch-ups. Keep the filters as light as possible and colors subtle. Avoid choosing high dynamic range filters, or over the top color vibrancy in your Facebook photo. The simple idea behind it is to refrain from manipulating the original elements to the extent that they look flimsy. Lightly brush up the pictures for your Facebook post and do ask somebody for an opinion, if you aren’t too sure about your photo editing skills.
2. Post socially relevant pictures
Social issues always get noticed. Posting pictures about social matters can get you a significant number of likes on Facebook. It can be very cautious of the issue you choose since matters such as gay marriage, religious fest, gender disparity, anti-government protests, etc. It can bring out strong opinions and comments from your audience. Be mindful of the objectivity of the images you post on such topics. Try to be as neutral as you can. Here’s how to go about it. Before you think of applying this idea, keep in mind that this has to be done in moderation. Also, do try to know your audience very well before using this tactic. Even with the surety of getting you more likes on your Facebook photo, the social issues might be very conflict-ridden. For example, if you put up an image asking for a political opinion, the stakes could be high for your page.You certainly will have lots of comments, but that would be a result of the unwanted debate. Therefore, calculate the risk well and smartly post an image that can fetch you good numbers.
3. The time of posting and your engagement matter
You must pay attention to the time of posting a picture if you want a good number of likes for it on Facebook. For example, posting a picture when the weekend is just around the corner or during holidays and festivities can get you more numbers as compared to posting it on any other regular day. When people get their leisure time, you can steal those moments and make the most of them. In addition to considering the time factor, do ensure maximum engagement on your post. The older your post gets the fresher engagement it will need. Track the time when the post gets the maximum response and you can apply the observed pattern for future photo posts on Facebook.
4. No More hashtags, please!
By using hashtags in your picture post, you run the risk of lowering the audience’s engagement levels by a huge margin. If you wish your post to garner likes globally and not just from a limited audience.

Another important reason that you must avoid more using hashtags is that other platforms such as Instagram and Twitter have the same feature. Your audience on Facebook may tend to engage less if they presume that you’ve auto-posted from the other platforms. Lesser engagement may result in a low number of likes on your Facebook photo.
5. Interesting and creative text on image
Facebook’s condition against writing extra content on images only applies to advertisements. So, if you have to post just a regular picture, you can include as much text as you have to. With this option available, why not make it useful for your post and acquire the maximum number of likes. Be your creative best and come up with inspirational poems, science trivia, general knowledge facts, motivational content, and likewise engaging text that can interest your audience. By making the most of your creative quotient, you can fetch a significant number of likes for your Facebook photo.
These were a few quick tips to help you out with a maximum number of likes on your Facebook photo. In addition to considering them, remember to be reasonable with the number of photos you post in a day. Do not overdo it and you surely will get enough engagement for your Facebook photos. Get Facebook Photo Likes to Increase Your Facebook Page Engagement (8 Tips).